Even though winter here in the Adirondacks means chilly temperatures and sometimes unpleasant weather conditions, there are some parts of the hats-and-mittens season that makes it all worth it. There is a certain beauty to winter that only the frozen landscape can provide, and nothing is quite as amazing as finding a snowflake that is…
Category: Store News
Get Your Kids off to a Healthy Start with Nutritious Lunches From Charlie Johns
According to the American Heart Association, in America today about one in three children and teenagers is either overweight or obese – a figure that has tripled since 1963. This rise in weight problems has led to numerous new concerns for kids, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a rise in Type 2 diabetes.…
In the Adirondacks, Our Lake Monster is a Champ!
Nestled between the Adirondack Mountains of New York and the Green Mountains of Vermont is Lake Champlain, a large lake that runs 120 miles north to south and features nearly 600 miles of beautiful shoreline. Lake Champlain is a natural, freshwater lake named for the French explorer, Samuel de Champlain. Known for its serenity and…
Baltimore Orioles Brighten Up the Adirondacks
If you’ve ever seen the bright flash of a Baltimore Oriole as it flits its way around the forest edge, then you know there isn’t anything quite as lovely as the stark contrast of this brilliant orange bird against the deep green deciduous tree line. The song of the Baltimore Oriole is as lovely as…
Finishing Up Your Adirondack Getaway? Leave Without a Trace!
The beauty of the Speculator area and the Adirondack Mountains is an attraction that brings in folks from all over the country and beyond. From the blue waterways to the green hills to the chance to see all kinds of flora and fauna, there is nature here in abundance — but visitors should take special…
Creating an Adirondack Home For The Eastern Bluebird
Songs have been written about them. Fairytale princess inevitably have them follow them wherever they go. Recognized as the symbol of hearth, home and happiness, the bluebird is one of North America’s most beloved species of birds. Sadly, this songbird has suffered a decline in population in the Adirondacks and all throughout the country for…
Traveling The Adirondack Waterways – We Can Do It; Canoe?
The beauty of the Adirondack waterways is legend, and there might not be any way better to enjoy that natural splendor than a canoe trip down one of those beautiful rivers and streams. But there might not be any feeling as frustrating as having that relaxing journey interrupted by the realization that you have forgotten…
Read an Adirondack Book This Summer!
Nothing is better than an easy summer afternoon by an Adirondack lake, complete with a comfortable Adirondack chair, a glass of wine and your favorite book. And if you’re looking for a great read about life in the Adirondack’s, look no further than Charlie Johns in Speculator, N.Y. Charlie Johns has an extensive section of…
Planning a Graduation Party Made Simple
Is there a special high school senior in your life who will be graduating from high school this month? If so, then you’re probably in the midst of planning a graduation party. Maybe you’ve already got everything figured out, from the invitations and decorations to the menu, but if you’re like so many busy people,…
Plan the Perfect Bonfire Party with These Five Tips
Summertime is the perfect time for bonfires, and there’s no better way to spend time with friends than to gather around the fire pit to enjoy food, friends and fun! The best part about a bonfire party is that it’s the very epitome of casual – guests can come as they are in jeans, t-shirts…