Oxbow Lake
Author: Charlie Johns
Moffitt’s Beach Sunrise
Moffitt’s Beach Sunrise
Alger Island Sunrise
Sunset at Moffit’s Beach
Sunset from our campsite at Moffit’s Beach Weekend of 7/11
Great shot of the Adirondacks, in Fall 2012
The Wild Center and Blue Mountain Lake
Taken during our vacation in Tupper Lake!!
From Keene, NY to Long Lake in the Adirondack Mountains
04/14/13′ – From Keene, NY to Long Lake…takin’ the long road home. This is looking West-bound on Blue Ridge road heading towards Long Lake, NY (not too far from Cheney pond). www.facebook.com/ToddShotsPhotography
An Adirondack River in The Winter
Here is a picture of my friend standing on the riverbed in the Adirondacks. Its so beautiful here.
Snowboarding at Gore
It was a great day to be out snowboarding at Gore! 1 hour cash advance reviews
Remodeling at Charlie Johns
If you’re a regular Charlie Johns customer, we’re sure you’ve noticed that we have a substantial capital improvement project underway. We hope that you’ll excuse the inconvenience this might cause, and we’d like to explain to you what we’re doing to improve Charlie Johns and what that will mean to you, our valued customer. Much…