Of all the many great winter activities in Speculator, N.Y., one that has been enjoyed for as long as people have been angling is ice fishing. Ice fishing in the Adirondacks offers a wide variety of opportunities for both the newcomer and the expert fisherman. Northern pike, walleye, yellow perch and lake trout are abundant and popular catches among ice fisherman.
If you’re just starting out as an ice-fishing enthusiast, you might not know what you need before you go out on the ice. First and foremost, you’ll need a license – these are readily available at your town clerk’s office. So, what else do you need before you brave the frozen lake?
When you’re out on the ice, you’ll likely have to brave the harsh elements of snow, blustery winds and subzero temperatures. That’s why it’s very important to make sure you’re dressed for the weather you’ll be facing. Thermal underwear and socks; heavy, lined pants and jackets; waterproof outerwear; and thick, woolen hats, mittens, gloves and scarves are all necessities out on the ice.
You’ll also want to make sure you have the right equipment, from your rod and reel to your hooks and bait. It’s better to make sure you have more than you need for your adventure than less; who wants to get out on the ice only to discover that they left something crucial behind? Additionally, you’ll want to make sure you bring along the miscellany, like an auger, ice spud, ladle, bucket, rope, and of course, plenty of food and coffee.
All of the smaller lakes and ponds in and around Speculator are good places to set up your ice-fishing shanty. You’ll find pickerel, yellow perch, sunfish and northern pike in the larger ponds where depths average 10 feet to 15 feet. Walleye and lake trout tend to be found in lakes that exceed 20 to 30 feet. It is in the deeper lakes where landlocked salmon, rainbow trout and brown trout dwell. These fish generally live in the cooler depths during the hot summer months, but usually can be caught just a few feet below the surface during the winter months.
While you’re in Speculator on your ice fishing adventure, make sure you stop by Charlie Johns and Speculator Department Store, where you’ll find everything you need to make your trip perfect. From fishing equipment and winter wear to the food, coffee and miscellaneous supplies you need to make your ice fishing outing a success.